The media is needed to tell people how the accounting fraudsters work. Government won't tell. The first thing the fraudsters do is divide, destabilize, and destroy the family they victimize. Divide and conquer. It's the perfect cover.




Is this another setup to disempower me?

I receive a goverment check with  no explanation.  Just a green check in a brown envelope. I remember the amount as around $147.  About three months later I receive an eleven page "Request for Information" form that is due nine days after it was mailed. It is a piece of work.

The form asks me, for one, to verify three benefits that I have never seen before. My initial reaction was I did not receive them. After much reflection I remembered the unexplained check and wondered if there was a connection between these two mysteries.

There should be paper trails showing why these three benefits started on 1/26/2014 and why they ended on 2/25/2014. Can they be exposed? If not, something is wrong.

"Social Security Retirement, Survivors and Windows Benefits received by Anthony OConnell from 01/26/2014 through 02/25/2014"

"Social Security Disability Income received by Anthony OConnell from 01/26//2014 through 02/25/2014"

"Veterans Administration (VA) Aid received by Anthony OConnell from 01/26//2014 through 02/25/2014"